Friday 5 July 2013

Photo Quiz

These are the photos me and my group took for our picture quiz. For this quiz, we had to take picture not having any words in them then give them to a different group to try and figure out where the pictures were taking from. First group to find all the pictures won.

Blur and sharpen

 In this picture I have used the blur tool in photoshop to make the picture harder to see. As you can see it's a bit blury.

 And here in this picture I've sharpened the image to make it a bit clearer and more gritty.

Self Portrait

In this picture I used the lasso tool to go round my whole body and then pasted it a couple of times on to different layers.

In this picture I used the lasso tool again to go around my face and pasted it a few times. 

Broken glass.

Here I used photoshop to create this image.
I copied and pasted two images together, then I used the wand tool to make the dark bits go away.

My poster.

This is my movie poster that I made. Took the picture then edited the photo.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Macro setting.

The Macro setting blurs out certain parts of the background, exclamating the focused image even more than if you just had it on a normal camera setting. It makes the focus of the images clearer as you can see; more defined.

Things I need to finish.

Your blog should contain the following posts

Term 1 1. Week 1 Image quiz evidence arranged in a photograph plus explanation telling me what you did.
1.a Photo Quiz Evaluation
2. Week 3 Decisive moment images and some words saying what you did
3. Week 4 Macro Exercise. Taking pictures of small objects using the macro setting and some words saying what you did
4. Week 5-7 Lego exercise History with Lego 3 images from history next to your 3 images or Lego in the college 5 locations from the college with a short explanation of the image

Term 2