Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Macro setting.

The Macro setting blurs out certain parts of the background, exclamating the focused image even more than if you just had it on a normal camera setting. It makes the focus of the images clearer as you can see; more defined.

Things I need to finish.

Your blog should contain the following posts

Term 1 1. Week 1 Image quiz evidence arranged in a photograph plus explanation telling me what you did.
1.a Photo Quiz Evaluation
2. Week 3 Decisive moment images and some words saying what you did
3. Week 4 Macro Exercise. Taking pictures of small objects using the macro setting and some words saying what you did
4. Week 5-7 Lego exercise History with Lego 3 images from history next to your 3 images or Lego in the college 5 locations from the college with a short explanation of the image

Term 2